Importance of colours in Vastu

Every where the whole world is filled with colours. Right from the most scenic places in the world to the screen in front of your eyes right now, you’re bound to find colors. Did you know that colors have astounding effects on emotions, mind and thought process? For example, surround a depressed person with black color and he may never overcome melancholy. On the other hand, keeping the same – yes the very same – depressed person surrounded with lively and warm colors would fast-track the healing process and one day he may be one of the most optimistic person you’ve ever met in your life.Such can be – and is – the effect of colors on our lives. What this all means is that you can’t – and must never – devalue the importance of colors. This is the primary reason why vastu shastra has rules and guidelines for coloring a house. These vastu color tips – or guidelines – would help you to choose the best color combination for your home so that you and your family are always lively, lovable, healthy and happy. But first, I want you to understand what each color means and what area of life that color influences.

What Each Colors Signifies


Red is a bold color. It represents lust, passion, materialism, base energies, bravery, power, drama, emotions, action, passion, aggressiveness, warmth, energy and vibrancy. Its nature is active and stimulating (that’s why you can see more of red in some restaurants as it stimulates hunger). You can use red color at places that need warmth and energy. Try putting combination of red color shades (not too much) in the living room and see how lively that room becomes. People suffering from depression or who’re nervous should avoid red color as it can be very stressful.


Sky and water are represented by this color. Blue also signifies beauty, tranquility, contentment, emotions, inspiration, devotion, truth and mercy. It’s a color that helps healing and reduces pain. You can use blue colors in areas that are huge. Avoid using blue for small rooms. Always make sure to choose lighter shades of blue while coloring walls of your home. Try to avoid more of blue color in office, shop or factory. Avoid having too much blue in the house as it’ll lead to cough, cold and similar medical issues.


Growth, nature, relaxation, healing, fertility, abundance, prosperity, positive energy, rebirth, re-creation etc. are the attributes represented by green color. Since it represents healing that’s why you’ll notice more of green color in hospitals. Another important quality of green color is that it helps to calm down temper and helps soothe the mood. Hence, people or couples with temperament issues can use more of green color.


White color signifies purity, cleanliness, openness, innocence, simplicity and luxury. Since it also represents privacy and intimacy, you should not paint the whole house white, else you may become egocentric. You must make sure to have the whole ceiling of the house in white color.


Yellow represents happiness, purity, positive thoughts, optimism, openness, illumination, intelligence, study, stable mind, wealth and concentration. Yellow has broadening effect i.e. it can be used at places or rooms that aren’t big; this’ll make the place look bigger than it actually is. The solar plexus chakra (out of the 7 chakras) of the human body has yellow color. Hence, people having behavioral issues can use more of yellow color.


Orange color characterizes pride, determination, goals, communication, good health, vivacity, warmth, action, energy, comfort and ease. It’s a color that can be used by people who feel depressed with life. Also, young aspirants who’re willing to put in determined efforts to achieve goals in their life should use more of orange color. However, make sure not to use too much of orange (just use it in moderation).


Brown represents satisfaction, contentment, comfort, stability and earth element. It’s a masculine color and can be used by anyone who wants to feel happy and satisfied in his life.


Purple is the color of luxury, riches, graciousness, self-respect and poise. It can be used by people who’re suffering from inferiority complex (especially males).


It represents spirituality, contentment, satisfaction, memory, concentration, peace of mind and decisive nature. Indecisive people should use more of violet color; it’ll help them take better decisions and instill confidence. Also, people who feel they’re always discontented with life can use violet color. Try not to use too much of violet color in office or business place as it’ll make you feel satisfied with whatever money you have and the drive to make more money won’t be in you. It’s a very good color to be used moderately in kid’s bedroom, pooja room, study room and the rooms of people whose work requires constant mental activity.


All the pastel colors are considered best in vastu shastra. In-fact as per vastu shastra, we should be using very light colors for walls and ceiling of our home.


Neutral colors are also considered very good in vastu shastra and are recommended for houses and other buildings.

Directions & Colors

As per vastu shastra, there’re 8 directions that we need to take care of. Out of these 8 directions, 4 are main directions and the rest 4 are sub-directions.

Here’re they:

Main Directions:

  1. North
  2. South
  3. East
  4. West


  1. North-East (NE)
  2. South-East (SE)
  3. North-West (NW)
  4. South-West (SW)

Also, each and every direction and sub-direction in vastu shastra is associated with a color. Hence, that color becomes the dominating color for that particular direction. For example: The best color for North side is green (and its shades). Now, painting the whole North of the house in green color would certainly make it look very odd.

Furthermore, if each direction is painted with the exact color then the house would end up looking ugly and patchy. Hence, North will be green, East will be white, West ends up being blue and South is red in color. There doesn’t seem to be any balance of colors in a house like that.

Hence, you need to take care while coloring rooms of your home. Now, depending upon which direction a room is located you need to decide the best suitable colors for it. Ok, it may get overwhelming to think that much and understand everything; hence, I’ve sculpted the next section of this article as a room by room coloring guide that’ll help you to understand and choose the best colors for each room of your home depending on the direction they’re located. All you need to do is to just read on carefully.

The Complete Room by Room Home Coloring Guide

Each and every room in a house is different and that’s because every room has specific purpose. For example, bedroom for sleeping, living room for entertaining guests and spending leisure time with family, kitchen for cooking and so on.

Also, you’re now aware that colors can – and they do – have a significant effect on our moods and thought process. What this all means is that if we’re using wrong colors at wrong places then there’re chances – and very good chances – that we’ll end-up messing something in our lives.

Here’s an example for better understanding:

Suppose a master bedroom that’s painted completely red. Now, as you may know, red color represent “Fire” element and uncontrolled fire leads to chaos; hence, any couple (or even an individual) that sleeps in this – red colored – bedroom for prolonged periods of time will have temperament issues. There’ll be fights within the family, with neighbors, even quarrels in office etc.

Below are room-wise vastu guidelines for choosing the best colors for each and every room of a house.

Master Bedroom Colors:

As you might be aware of the fact that as per vastu shastra, SW is the best place to locate the master bedroom. Also, from the previous section of the article, you can relate that the best suited color for SW is brown and its shades. Hence, it’s apt to say that one of the best – and a must have – color for the master bedroom is brown.

However, this doesn’t mean that you can just go ahead and paint the entire bedroom in brown color.

You see, master bedroom is mainly used for 2 purposes:

  1. Relaxation (while sleeping)
  2. Physical pleasures (having intercourse)

These 2 points are also to be considered while coloring the master bedroom of your home.

Hence, for relaxation part you can use blue color and for love making thing pink is very good (as pink is usually associated with love).

Furthermore, using a combination of brown, blue and pink will ensure that there’s a good balance in life. The blue and pink are masculine and feminine colors respectively (hence they represent balance between couple) and the brown color gives stability.

Kid’s Bedroom Colors:

Some of the best colors that you can choose to use in kid’s bedroom are light green and shades of light yellow. This’ll help the kids to concentrate more on studies and less on wasting their time. Avoid using dark blue color for kid’s bedroom as it may lead to health issues like running nose, cough and cold etc. Also avoid more of red color in kid’s bedroom as it may lead to temperament issues.

Living Room Colors:

Living room is the place where you entertain your guests and also spend quality time with your family. Now, depending upon the location of living room in your home you need to settle on for the best colors. Just keep one thing in mind that the living room (with the chosen colors) should look serene and welcoming.

Here’s an example: Suppose, in a house, the living room is in NW. From the previous section of the article, you know that the best color for NW is white and its shades. Hence, you can use more of white color in the living room. Obviously, using only white color won’t make the living room lively and welcoming; hence you can use tinges of some other colors too such as, blue, green, a bit of red, light yellow and more.

Pooja/Prayer Room Colors:

The Pooja room is the sacred room or part of the house. As per vastu shastra, the best place to locate a pooja room is NE part. Also, from the previous section of the article, you can relate that the best colors for NE are yellow, green and blue.

Hence, the best colors for pooja room are light yellow, white, cream, light green, light blue etc. Please avoid using dark colors especially red, black, brown etc.

Kitchen Colors:

As per vastu shastra, the best place to locate a kitchen is the SE corner of the house (NW is the second best). Also, you might know that SE is the place of “Fire” element and fire is represented by red color. Hence, the kitchen must have some tinge of red color (may be a stripe here and a strip there) or you can have a red dinner set. White, silver, yellow, orange, rose, light chocolate etc. are best to use as floor and wall colors of kitchen. Again, avoid using dark colors.

Bathroom & Toilet Colors:

Bathrooms and toilets are best colored using light colors such as white, light yellow, shades of light blue, lime green, light pink etc. Avoid using dark colors for walls, floors and tiles in bathroom and toilets.

Here’s an example: As per vastu shastra, one of the best location for a bathroom is the West side of the house. Also, from the previous section of the article you can understand that the best color for West side is Blue. Hence, if there’s a bathroom in West of your home, then try to have blue color accommodated in it. You can have white and blue color wall tiles.

Staircase Colors:

Having light colored staircase in a home is very good as per vastu shastra. While coloring staircases in your home, please avoid using red, black or any dark color.
You might be aware that NW is one of the best location to make a staircase in your home and from the previous section of the article you can relate that the best color for NW of the house is white. Hence, white (it’s shades) and other light colors are best suited for a staircase in a home.

Main Door/Entrance Color:

The entrance of the house is one of the most crucial things in vastu shastra as that’s the place from where all the energy (positive or negative) enters your home. Now, depending upon the location of main door, you need to choose colors. Just make sure that the colors you choose are light colors and they all make the entrance look grand and welcoming.

Here’s an example: Suppose the entrance of a house is from North, from the previous section, we can relate that the best colors for North is green and it’s shades. Now, an entrance that’s completely green isn’t going to look very good; hence, you can choose more colors that’ll look good in combination with green color. Just make sure to have some amount of green coloring on or near the entrance. You can also place plants (small and lush green ones) near the entrance to achieve this.

Car Parking or Garage Colors:

White, cream, yellow and other colors in light shades are good for car parking or garage in your home. Also, make sure that the garage is as per vastu shastra.


  1. Whatever colors you choose for rooms of the house, just make sure to avoid darker shades.
  2. The ceiling – of all the rooms – must be white (no other color is allowed). This means that white color should dominate the ceiling.

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